Latest Stock ROMs of "vili" for Xiaomi 11T Pro

You can find and download latest Xiaomi 11T Pro updates and stock ROMs using MIUI Download. These ROMs are official and untouched. Files are downloading from directly MIUI servers.

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Latest Versions
OS1.0.2.0.UKDMIXM > Global Stable Download
OS1.0.2.0.UKDEUXM > EEA Stable Download
OS1.0.1.0.UKDRUXM > Russia Stable Download
OS1.0.1.0.UKDTWXM > Taiwan Stable Download
OS1.0.1.0.UKDTRXM > Turkey Stable Download
V14.0.5.0.TKDJPXM > Japan Stable Download OTA for V14.0.4.0.TKDJPXM Download Fastboot
OS1.0.1.0.UKDIDXM > Indonesia Stable Download
OS1.0.2.0.UKDINXM > India Stable Download